ValGenesis Communications, +1 510-445-0505 Ex.1026. Althea is a corporate marketing communications professional with experience in brand management and in developing communication strategies across channels.
June 23, 2014
ValGenesis, Inc., the market leader in Enterprise Validation Lifecycle Management Solutions (VLMS) announced that ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd., a manufacturer of potent compound API and finished drug products, has implemented and successfully gone live with the ValGenesis VLMS 3.0 – Validation Lifecycle Management Solution to manage their validation lifecycle processes.
January 21, 2014
Dr. Hussain will advise ValGenesis’s senior management team to facilitate their efforts towards delivering state-of-the-art ValGenesis VLMS. Specifically his contributions will help to align further evolutions of ValGenesis VLMS to proactively deliver emerging regulatory requirements in the US and Globally.