Business Solutions Consultant

Brian Kamoto

Brian Kamoto
Brian is a part of ValGenesis Business Development team within Marketing and will assist with ValGenesis product and solution inquiries to establish sales leads. Before ValGenesis, Brian has 6+ years of experience working as a Demand Generation Specialist and handling demand management for both PayPal and Citrix. He has also worked as a Senior Sales Administrator at Golden Pages for 3+ years. Brian carries certifications in Media, Business, and Customer Service.

Upcoming events with Brian

Sep 22
Sep 24

Pharma MES

Berlin, Germany

Sathish Kumar Shanmugam Profile
Brian Kamoto Profile

Nov 20
Nov 21

KENX Validation University Europe

Dublin, Ireland

Brian Kamoto Profile
Anna Beamish Profile
Sathish Kumar Shanmugam Profile

"Digitalization of Continuous Process Verification (CPV) – Trends and Technologies"

Sathish Kumar Shanmugam , Global VP of Customer Advocate


Recent webinars featuring Brian