Should you Digitalize Your QRM Process?

If you're not using flippers for running, why are you using spreadsheets for your risk management?

Learn From our Experts

What is Risk Management Digitalization?

Risk management digitalization is the process of centralizing all the activities that allow you to identify, quantify and prioritize risks in one platform.

When done right, it will be centralized and holistic. All your organization will be connected and it will optimize your processes and actions.


Connects and compares data across the whole organization


Enables informed choices about compared risks


Evaluate how planned actions will affect the status of an identified risk

Digital Risk Management Improves Your Team Performance

As risk management activities grow and spread within the company for different products at different stages of the lifecycle, your team may find itself working on out-dated versions of documents and going through many sources to retrieve the information they need.

Digitalizing your risk management process under one specialized platform can have a major impact in your team performance.

If you empower your team with the right technology, it will communicate better, minimize inefficiencies, and produce better and faster risk assessments.


Streamline your operations gaining efficiency up to 60%.


Reduce the time spent on creating risk management reports time in 90%.


Reduce up to 50% of the time spent in risk assessments.

Learn More About Risk Management Digitalization

Webinar - Effective Deployment of Quality Risk Management

Effective Deployment of Quality Risk Management



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Talk to us to see how ValGenesis can support your digital transformation.